Excuse me please……

 Just two good questions…..     Question 1: If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis; would you recommend that she have an abortion? Read the next question before scrolling down to the answer of…


I TRIED TO CLIMB THE MOUNTAIN TODAY. I tried to climb the mountain today. As I inched my way up the path, I felt overwhelmed, so I had to turn back. I tried to climb the mountain today. On my journey, darkness started to fall, and I was full of fear, so I had to…

GBG? What is all the fuss about!

Mark Dietel and Jon Baker of GBG will be arriving Nigeria on a tour from Monday 16th of April to 20th May 2012. I asked you what the big fuss over GBG is ? In case you are not aware, GBG stands for Guided By God? And there are reasons why this 16 year company…

How to go from Employee to Entrepreneur, by George Zalucki

How to go from Employee to Entrepreneur, by George Zalucki Most people are not raised as children in an entrepreneurial family, therefore, their model for earning money is a “job”, working for a company and a boss who places them in a strict horizontal job function where one day is mostly like the previous day.…

“it is well” – lessons from the Shunamite woman.

“it is well” is a popular phrase used by Nigerians to express “hope”, “when in despair”,”frustration”,”handicapped”,”exasperation” and many other situations you may like to add. It is a fallacy to believe only Christians verbalise this phrase. It’s now been heard to be expressed by our Muslim brothers as well. So where did the phrase “it…

GBG NETW*RK: 7 differences between Netw*rking and Working a 9-5….

If you aren’t bothered, then you must have developed some sort of immunity to the consequences resulting to the increase in lay offs at organisations. The latest is that YAHOO is sacking 5,000 of their staff. It’s the time to start thinking outside the box. I am not saying you should quit your job, not…

GBG – Fatal accident could not stop inspired Naja Moujabber

Why am I so excited about GBG this much? Well I personally met Mr Naja Moujabber and Ida, his wife at a special GBG presentation today. This American gentle man who travelled all the way from America with his business parthner Dori Kahale sometime last year was involved in a fatal accident in Ghana. Unfortunatelly,…