Watch: Woman Who Claims Jay Z Hit on Her Says, ‘Sorry, Mrs. Carter’.

Rapper and model Liv pens an open letter to Beyoncé in a new rap.


Rapper and model  claims that Jay Z hit on her and she turned him down, according to Clutch magazine. Now the Miami rapper has released a new track in which she states, “Ya man likes model chicks. He likes all naturally flawless model chicks like me.”

Although Liv has no notable hits to date according to repots in The Root. Her name is now popping on radio. Power 105.1 radio host Charlamagne Tha God gave the rapper the Donkey of the Day award, which is reserved for, well, people who make fools of themselves. He asked listeners to hound Liv on social media and noted, “You trying to capitalize off of Jay Z and Beyoncé press. You need to go on the run forever.”

You can watch her video, “Sorry Mrs. Carter,” in its hot-mess entirety below.

in Celebrity, Entertainment. Tags: ‘Sorry, Beyoncé, jay z and beyonce, Jay-z, Liv, Mrs. Carter’., Sorry Mrs. Carter, Watch: Woman Who Claims Jay Z Hit on Her Says

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