What do you make of @DoyinOkupe tweets in defence of President Jonathan who he likened to Jesus Christ?
My attention has been drawn 2 anothr falsehood frm mischief makers claiming dat I said PGej will not debate GMB 4 security reasons.Its a lie.
Detractors&mischief makers are at it again I said PGEJ like Christ is bearing a lot of burden 4 d nation.Xtians ar expected 2 b
It is surprising that those who are not Xtians are explaining Xtian precepts in d name of politics.In every bible class Xtians are taught/2
To emulate Christ in words&deeds.It is a thing of pride&honour,NOT blasphemy, in Xtiandom 2 b compared 2 our Lord.Our detractors wont go far
A popular song in sunday schools goes thus”I want 2 b like Jesus in gentility&meekness.’In Nigeria 2dy esp social media Ignorance is Virtue
The choice of APC or their decision to elect Buhari as their standard bearer is a fatal error.
I understand this game of politics very well.Buhari is not a winner,has never won,& will not win;&it is for a reason that he has never won
The question you need to ask yourself and what APC needs to should have asked themselves is: Why Buhari?
The calculation is that Buhari came with 12million votes on the strength of his showing in the last election.
Now, if you can deliver the entire SW, that is another 20 million votes, and other platforms, you add it and he is going to win. contd…
Politic is not mathematics. Yes Buhari had 12 million votes. The Bola Tinubus of this world, in the course of showing their capabilities….
…hv been bruised; they do not control the SW and that is very clear.In actual fact, bcos they hv a lot of money,Buhari shld hv dumped them
..long ago because they cannot deliver.
At d beginning of this year,maybe d calculation was still clear that they would deliver SW,Ondo is not in d basket,Ekiti is not in d basket
Osun state is neither here nor there and I am saying that authoritatively. Omisore may still be d Gov of osun but even if he does not become the gov of Osun State, we have seen the results of election in Osun State. If that is something to go by, it is topsy- turvy.
People at the grassroots are saying they are fed up of the nonsensical things that APC has been doing in Lagos state.
So, the point I am trying to make is that theoretical calculations may be what has misled APC into taking that decision,but its unfortunate.
And regrettable,and it is a fatal error.
Buhari, to me, is a non-issue. Buhari only has 2 things going for him. He has not improved himself since he left office;he has not added…any value, personally to himself or to any political tendencies that he (Buhari) represents.
Buhari is a religious bigot and there is nothing he can do about that. He is not even a nationalist.
Some few days ago, some people came out to say that Buhari is the northern candidate. So, who is the southern candidate?
Buhari is trying to make poverty a virtue, but poverty is not a virtue.
The fact that Buhari has left office for so long & he says he is so poor, is nothing to celebrate. It is indolence and shameful.
Is that a role model? Is that who (Buhari) you will want your children to be, a poor man?
Indolence is not something we should celebrate. If a man like Buhari at his age says he is a poor person,that is too bad&it is also a deceit
That is not integrity.
Information culled from Twitter.