Muna Obiekwe has died. Nollywood actor Nonso Diobi confirms death.

Nollywood actor Nonso Diobi confirms death of actor Muna Obiekwe.

Hollywood actor, Nonso Diobi

I was one of the many sceptical Nigerians who believed the death of Nollywood star Muna Obiekwe was a rumour. His death has now been confirmed via twitter from fellow Nollywood actor Nonso Diobi. In a tweet posted below, he wrote ” I have just confirmed from AGN president that Muna Obiekwe is truly dead, its so sad and still can’t believe this.”Nollywood actor Nonso Diobi confirms death of actor Muna Obiekwe.

in CELEBRITY, Death. Tags: Muna Obiekwe has died, Muna Obiekwe has died. Nollywood actor Nonso Diobi confirms death., Muna Obiekwe is dead, Nonso Diobi

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