I am fascinated with blogging.
Could it be because I just love to write? or it just may be that I love to help others in some ways. i have found blogging very fulfilling and frustrating at the same time.
What is termed blogging in Africa, Nigeria to be specific is completing different from how the rest of the world sees it. In Nigeria, a few bloggers have shown off there abilities to make money mainly through adverts, and if you are familiar with the Nigerian culture you will understand that, everyone rushes to where the money is, not necessary to emulate the hard work.
As a result, there are very few bloggers in the real sense in Nigeria. Instead, we have, what I have termed, ‘copy and paste’ web owners posting as bloggers. In Nigeria, there are hundreds of new bloggers who dream of making money, the truth is very few do.
‘Nigerian Bloggers’ scan through each other’s sites, news sites especially to copy and paste stories. To my dismay, most pose as the authors of these stories. There are few content producing bloggers in Nigeria. Don’t be surprised if some poke fun at me. Alarmed at my dismay. With a ‘this is how its done in Naija’ attitude, which never seems to last. Which always favours the pioneers. Which never educates the reading public.
This page will provide blogging tips for new and old bloggers. I will endeavour to share my experiences with you as well as answer questions. I will also point you to blogging resource sites that have been of immense benefit to me.
So, if you want to be a blogger, why not bookmark this site. You have to bear with me, just made up my mind to set up this page today (Monday, 6th january 2014). With time, you will read about my blogging experiences that will surely be of benefit to you.
Thanks for reading.
Before you go, why not ask me a question to get you started.