Pastor Albert Odulele is out of jail…

Pastor Albert Odulele is out of jail reports reaching me.

The Glory house Founder and General overseer who was sentenced at Woolwich Crown Court, in London was jailed for eight months and six months respectively, to run concurrently, and put on the sex offenders’ register for five years.

Pastor Albert who arrived home yesterday morning had church members jubilating with his house jam packed with well wishers. He was reported to have said he was back and better and obviously have a lot of catching up to do as well as trying to fit back into the system.

On a personal note, I believe the man has served time and I bet he had enough time to reflect. God help us all.

34 thoughts on “Pastor Albert Odulele is out of jail…

  1. The Church has lost its way no longer do we preach about the 2nd coming of the Lord and the rapture all we are concerned with is what car we are driving, how big our house is, and the size of our congregations. The church has become a business where the unsaved no longer come to hear about going to heaven or hell but to hear principles on how we can get rich and prosper, I have no problem with people who work hard spending their hard earned money on luxuries as they deserve it, the question I ask is where are the watchmen in Zion back in the day when I was a child growing up in Church you would never dare walk into Church full of sin and get away with it let alone stand up in front of a congregation to preach, we need to get back to basics back to the days when we lived right, remember the days when the spirit of the Lord would show up mightily in our services and we would leave blessed and refreshed, souls would be saved, sick would be healed, those oppressed would be free how I long for those days and I am in my 40s so not that old. May God have mercy upon Pastor Odulele and most of all those boys who have to live with this for the rest of their lives.

  2. hey, for all have sinned and fallen short of da glory of God. It’s time for everyone to repent, seek righteousness, and above all, holiness as God always forgives and forgets but we have to deal with the consequences.
    i pray that Doc will get back on track, take some more time reflecting before steppin on the pulpit. This too will pass but there’s a lot to be desired especially fr those young in the Lord who looked up to him as a role model. Be strong and Seek God only. Be contented.
    Much love to the family

  3. TOKSYK – You are the most eloquent contributor here! A contributor with a heart and a soul! No one else ever mentioned these children or the risk this man poses to his biological children and the trauma of poor Mrs. Paedophile Odulele! These are all lost on everyone here. A very very terrible blog indeed!

  4. I am appalled by some of the comments, this man should not be allowed near vulnerable people because he will certainly take advantage of them. Lets all remember that the church is full of people going through certain things in life.

    This man should not be allowed near children, particularly male children

  5. This incident happened a long time ago,prior to his calling. whosoever is innocent should be careful of casting the first stone. You have been forgiven and God has thrown your sins into the sea of forgetfulness.Stay connected to His grace. You are welcome back

    • Bee,

      Read the case, update your knowledge before you post untruths. This happened whilst he was a pastor and not before his calling. Where on earth did you get that lie from? He molested children of his church members and a young man who accompanied on a ministry trip – are you saying he had a church and was a pastor going on ministry trips before his calling? See how contradictory your statements are?

      You folks that would makes excuses for an unrepentant paedophiles are as bad as the paedophile himself – I worry for the welfare of your own children! Naiveness or abuse-enablers? You decide, but either way, it means you will be happy to expose your own children to such a RISK factor as this man.

      Remember Eddie Long????

  6. I have to say this is one of the saddest news of all times. I refuse to judge but surely the pastor needs to seek the lord and reconcile big time before he starts to preach.

    Where is the world going too??

  7. whatever might have happen Gods hand is upon his anointed throw the first stone if u have no sin. jesus forgave the woman caught in the very act. Those who critsize and scandalize others think the are infallible but let Him that thinketh he stands take heed lest he falls. Sin stinks in the nostrils of God be it a small white lie or a sexual sin. If you offend in one you offend in all. Grace is avialable and the righteous man will rise again after a fall.

    • There is a huge difference between a woman caught in adultery and a man who molests children. One is more likely to repent due to the non-psychosomatic nature of the act, whilst the other is highly unlikely to change. Even your bible should tell you that some people have been given over to a reprobate spirit, and there are mention of the son of perdition! Do you not also read where it says “Lord, Lord, I caste out demons in your name……and the Lord says, I know ye not…”? Did you think the bible was referring to non-believers here? No, Moses, unbelievers have no business or experience of casting out demons – if you doubt it ask the seven sons of Sceva – so the bible was referring to unrepentant, arrogant, sinful men and women of ‘God’ here. My point here is sins stinks in the eyes of God, but to excuse evil on that basis is anti-God, and anti-Humanity! Grace is available to all, yet millions throng into hell daily! Unrepentant, decisiveness cause the end of Sodom and Gomorrah. Do you not wonder why the almighty and all powerful God did not forgive them all? You, sir, have to repent first., and genuinely so, before God can forgive you. It is that simple. If you want to know more about the unrepentability of paedophiles, do your research, speak or write to expert profilers of paedophiles like the world-renowned Dr. Anna Salter, Dr. Claire Reeves etc etc. Stop spreading religious tripe!

    • This is not about being better or worse than this pastor or any other individual, this is about an arrogant man who molested and will molest again. A contrite and broken spirit is all that the Lord seeks! Sexing children isn’t! I am terribly disappointed that I am yet to read a post that says something kind or warm towards the poor victims who are currently serving their life sentence in hell on earth for the rest of their lives? I was of the opinion that Nigerians did not tolerate the sexual violation of their children – but I see here that I am terribly wrong. Are these views representative of the Nigerian cultural views on child sexual abuse, or are these the views of Nigerians in diaspora? It would be interesting to know.

  8. i just pray he didn’t use d boys for rituals, because wat i read he didn’t have sex wiv dem only fonddled them possibly to get their sperm. And him being a nigerian. I feel so sad and really worried abt happenings i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ d church of GƠ̴̴͡D̶̲̥̅̊ dis days, end time ȋ̝̊§ indeed here.

  9. This man is arrogant and thinks he is able to do whatever he wants. He thinks somehow he is above the victims. Time will tell and for the people that attends his church oh well they deserve him and what they get. Its very obvious God is not there.

    Ps I was a former member of his church but luckily left long before the gay allegations but I knew he was a very disturbed man!!!!

    • Sane,

      I am glad that you left! I also went to the church and it was very very clear that God was not there. I stayed away!

      I feel sorry for the people who know nothing about paedophilia to pontificate here about God, sin and forgiveness. Place your sons under his care and leave them to have sleepovers at his home! If you can do that, then you have truly lost the plot. Once a paedophile always a paedophile – do your research!

  10. The man of pastor cannot be trusted with young vulnerable people around him….he refuses to apology for what he did directly nor confirm that he uphold the word of God. How can anyone trust him?

    I am not bothered that he is being paid £110,000 per year but he should not have been allowed back to start preaching after less than one month out of prison. They should have said he is waiting upon the Lord and he comes to Church sitted and listening to the word…..

    I left the Church because I was expecting him to apologise but he did not and no one around him could talk to me….he is a proud and arrogant man, I leave him to God but I can’t let such a man lay hands on me because he refuses to confirm whether he has sought God’s face and he uphold the word of God……The scripture talk about Samuel praying for Saul when God have departed from him and the people still view him as their KING.

    The calling of God is without repentance but the gospel truth is not until Pastor Albert comes out publicly to confirm that he uphold the word of God then I do not believe he has repented nor he does not have the gay spirit in him

    Finally, the full gist of his diabolic act did not come out in open court because he accept he was guilty quickly and confess that he was battling with homosexuality (so the truth is that he is bi-sexual). He guy has sex with more than two individuals, the police had more information on him and very soon, he will misbehaviour again…..

    He cannot be trusted with boys….anyone with young boys should leave the church until they can be sure that he does not have the disease in his body and there are no way of curing people that are attracted to young children especially boys

    • ei femi. is there nothing you remember he has said that ever touched your heart. it looks like you are soo bitter.Remember judge not.God is in control.

      • Wasn’t God in control when he was molesting those children? Or are you suggesting that God took a nap or went on vacation? Your level of blind religiousness is disgraceful! You say judge not (because you love this paedophile), but then in the same comment, you call Femi ‘soo bitter’. So why are you judging Femi, but afraid to judge Paedophile Odulele?! Answer me please, Grace, because I find your comments ungracious, hypocritical and a total disgrace!

  11. God is not just a God of 2nd chance, He is the God of another chance; no matter what, I still believe in you and in your ministry, pls sir, dont ever think of quitting ministry because of this, let it rather get u stronger for God, I vow to interceed for you daily.

    • Samuel, just make sure to send you male children to his house for a sleepover! Good Lord, I do feel sorry for his poor wife and kids but my most sympathy goes to the poor victims both the ones that bravely came out and the many more that were too afraid and ashamed to step up!

      To the two brave young men, whose lives this paedophile sought to destroy, may the Grace of God be upon you to forgive, heal and recovery completely and may the good Lord grant you your place on earth and in his kingdom to come. Amen.

      If Odulele, ever climbs down from his high mountain and truly repents, His Grace is sufficient, but he that sweeps his sin under the carpet (he that covereth his sins) shall NOT PROSPER! This all ends in physical and spiritual disgrace.

  12. Am happy. 4 him is good 2 be back b’cos we need him 2 finish what he has started it my prayer that God should restore him back 2 glory.

    • Yeah, sure you want him to finish the rest of the boys he didn’t get a chance to molest before he was nabbed by the Police, right? You folks really make me sick!

      If you are in the UK, and have children, Social Services should definitely be interested in your children because there is a little caveat in Child Protection law in the UK and most of the western hemisphere, which is called ‘failure to protect’. Go and read about it, because if you have children and you are running around with a known and convicted paedophile and you see nothing wrong with what he has done to kids, then your capacity to parent your children will need to be looked at!

      Would you like your family to be referred to Social Services for a little visit? I think all the members of the church who still support this man and have young children should have their children on the at risk register!

      • Looking inwards I could picture here that persons like you are like the Pharisees. You don’t believe you can fall into error. Holier than thou mere mortal. Very soon your own story will be published. May God help Rani or whatever you call your name.

  13. Pingback: Nigerian Pastor In UK Plead Guilty To Sexual Assault On Young Boys - Page 4

  14. Sorry to say,once a queer,always one!!! More importantly,who are The fools still listening to this fraud???? They all need deliverance,idiots!!!!

  15. just to update u guys, odulele will be back at his church, GLORY HOUSE this sunday 28th august 2011, you can see him online through the church website. apparently they are having a big sunday and there wil be guest speakers from all over the world…….

  16. This man needs to be cast straight, for how long has he been doing this? Nowadays pastors are just making mockery of people needs. Using church member’s money to better them selves. i.e. buying new luxury cars, houses and investing in other sources. Today churches are based on business. l bet if this was in Nigeria he gets away with it easy. Thank God for better justice in UK peeps goes to church today to serve and worship pastors and NOT GOD anymore. Only D Lord knows who is serving him.

    • Of course he’s still bloody gay!!!! Don’t know how he can reconcile his gayness with being a pastor!!!! If GOD was a man…

  17. Well I believe once a person has served their time, they start afresh. Ironically I was watching a sunday morning program hosted by BBC presenter Susana Reed and the question about being sentenced for x amount of years but then only serve half.

    I hope Pastor Odulele learns from this and more importantly I think many followers of Christ in need to DESIST from giving too much godlike worship and trust towards their church leaders,priests, pastors or head of the church. These so called men of God are just as fallible as anyone of us. Sadly this simple concept is lost of many……

    Keep the good work Jide.

  18. Well I have to say I for one have been very disappointed with the way you have approached this story.

    I remember your first blog on it you wrote
    “What took place was that one of the boys who was with Pastor Albert slept off in his company. In the middle of the night, according to the boy’s statement, he noticed Albert’s hand on his private part, with Albert asleep as well. Now, when the boy noticed this, he gently moved his hand off. It happened before dawn, by then, the boy got up, apparently distressed (who wouldn’t be?) to stoop in a corner frightened, I guess. This took place, many years ago.”

    and I was a bit perplexed as this seems to suggest that it wasn’t so much of a sexual abuse just a misguided MIDDLE AGED MAN sleeping in same bed as young boys (memories of MJ springs to mind) who’s hand ‘accidentally’ ended up on the private part of one of the said boys as he slept? Like seriously WTF?!!?!

    To me what is most concerning is what took place that the boys were unable to recall or more worryingly any other victim(s) and the likelihood of this is very high, as clearly this is a very disturbed man.

    As someone who has worked with both young people and adults that have been sexually abused as children, I know the long-lasting devastating effects this can have for them so whilst Pastor has ‘served his time’ and is now ‘rehabilitated’ back into society on condition he is placed on sex offenders register for next 5years and he is received back by ‘well wishers’. All I can think about is who is receiving these young boys and what services have been provided for them to help them deal with not only the abuse but the fact that they most likely would have also be ostracized by this community and possibly family members all because of who their abuser is.

    Sorry Jide but enough publicity of as SEXUAL ABUSER and lets focus on more about the ways to help victims of abuse.

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