Abiola, though a moslem mixed with all.

…He had hundreds of Chieftaincy titles conferred on him.

MKO the states man meeting with Coretta Scott King and Andrew Young

MKO with Madiba

The entrepreneur arrives

The young MKO Abiola

MKO Abiola travels out to solicit support from the international community.

MKO casts his vote

MKO Abiola with his friend and enemy, General IBB

MKO Abiola during an interview with BBC whilst in exile

Abiola arrives Nigeria from exile

Abiola arrives to a rousing welcome

A capacity crowd welcomes back Abiola from exile.

MKO Abiola talks to the people

Fello democracy fighter, Musa Yar’adua. elder brother of the late President Yar’adua

Body of late MKO Abiola

Huge crowd at MKO Abiola’s funeral

Woman sobs upon hearing of MKO Abiola’s death

MKO Abiola defiles all and declares himself as President of Nigeria

MKO Abiola arrested for treason.

Kofi Annan, then UN Secretary General announced to the world that Abiola has had enough. Abiola denied he ever made that claim.

MKO Abiola’s Charisma at work….
Photographs courtesy of MKOabiola.org